Sorry there is no biography available for this performer at this time. Please check back again at a later date, or email to be updated when information is added to this page.
Sorry there is no biography available for this performer at this time. Please check back again at a later date, or email to be updated when information is added to this page.
Unavailable on the following dates:
May 29 before 2 pm
June 5th and 6th
Nica Michaels is AVAILABLE for bookings at ALL TIMES other than what is posted above.
If it shows -CURRENTLY AVAILABLE- it means that you are free to go ahead and book; nothing is currently scheduled.
**Please be advised that this schedule may not be up to date. If your session date/time is fixed, you may email to ensure talent availability before you book.**
This performer is NOT available for Home Recording.
Unavailable on the following dates:
May 29 before 2 pm
June 5th and 6th
**Please be advised that this schedule may not be up to date. If your session date/time is fixed, you may email to ensure talent availability before you book.**
Below are some SAMPLE RATES and depending on the nature of the request, and the selected performer(s), the sample rates below are all negotiable. We're happy to provide a quote! Please reach out to for more information. |
Radio Commercials | starting at | |
Major Market (one city) | $275 | |
National (more than one city) | $350 |
Television Commercials | starting at | |
Major Market (one city) | $400 | |
National (more than one city) | $550 |
Internet Commercials | starting at | |
Promotional Online Videos | $400 | |
Non-promotional | $250 |
Narrations (Non Broadcast) | starting at | |
(Corporate/Industrial/Training/Etc) | $250 |
For more information, click here. |
Talent Agency License (BC) #: BA-2022-072795
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